
Gigni veitir heilsufrøðiliga tænastu til allar smábarnafamiljur, skúlabørn og tannáringar í Føroyum. Gigni virkar fyri, at børn fáa eina jaliga og mennandi lívsbyrjan og heilsugóð barna- og ungdómsár.

Eisini verður stórur dentur lagdur á at styrkja og menna foreldraførleikan og at økja um tilvitanina um leiklutin, sum familjan hevur.


Gigni provides a health service for all families with infants and toddlers, schoolchildren and teenagers in the Faroe Islands. Gigni strives to make sure that all children have a positive and developing beginning of life and curative child and teenage years.

In addition to this, an emphasis is also put on strengthening end developing parental competences and to increase the consciousness on the important role of the family.
